Footprints: A History of the Place We Call Palisades Park (Limited)
Palisades Park is a summer community of 200 cottages scattered throughout the dunes and along the shore of Lake Michigan, seven miles south of South Haven, Ml. Started in 1905, for the past 100 years Palisades has been a delightful summer home for members—many of whose connections span decades.
In the mid-80s, with an eye toward capturing the early history of the Park as lived and remembered by "old-timers," a committee taped oral interviews with 23 long-term residents. In 2000, those interviews became the starting point of this history.
Since "the place we call Palisades Park" has encompassed a long and interesting story of its own, the book puts our small community into a broader context by including information on the area's geology as well as its Native American and Lumber Era days. Our hope is that following the "footprints" of history, readers can better understand the rich heritage of the Park and—perhaps—gain insights into directions for its second century.