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Turner Publishing is currently accepting submissions of fiction and non-fiction manuscripts. Submissions can be made by agents or authors directly. Due to the volume of submissions received, we are unable to respond to every submission.

*Please note, we are not affiliated with Turner Book Writers and will not request any money from you to submit your work to us.

    To submit material for consideration, please send the material to:

    We do not accept physical submissions.

    While we are open to reviewing all types of submissions, below is our current acquisitions wishlist.

    • History
    • Current events
    • Business/Economics
    • Psychology
    • Science/Medicine
    • Dystopian
    • Contemporary Romance
    • Romantasy
    • Fantasy
    • Sci-fi
    • Upmarket

    Please include the following in your submission:

    • Your manuscript as an attached Word Doc or PDF to your email. Your manuscript should include a full synopsis and total word count.
      • A completed manuscript is preferred and will be reviewed faster, but partial manuscripts and detailed proposals are also accepted.
      • If submitting an incomplete manuscript, please include an estimated word count and anticipated manuscript completion date.
    • Author details including platform, following, qualifications, etc.
    • Pertinent marketing details, including intended audience and the sales angle of the book

    We receive a large number of submissions and because of that please note the following terms and conditions apply when making a submission. By making a submission you agree to these terms and conditions:

    Turner is under no obligation to provide any communication related to the status of a submission. If Turner is interested in publishing the submission, we will contact you.

    Turner is under no obligation to return any materials submitted, so please do not send anything that you want returned. 

    We are sorry that it has to be that way, but the volume of submissions makes it impractical to answer and have time to review them. Thank you for your understanding.

    The Turner Blog