Streams: Life Secrets for Writing Poems and Songs (The Sandra Hochman Collection)
Turner Publishing is proud to present a new edition of Sandra Hochman's treatise on poetry and songwriting, Streams.
First published by Prentice-Hall in 1978, Hochman's approach to teaching is just as unconventional and revelatory today as it was forty years ago.
From the Introduction by Hochman: This is a personal book that I hope will be like a friend. In a simple way I want to tell you some thoughts that I have about writing poetry and songs, and share with you some warm-up exercises for writing that can be used to limber up the mind the same way that dancers limber before a performance. Writing has always been for me a necessary experience― something that I feel compelled to do. If that feeling of wanting to write is inside of you―what I call the Necessary Angel wanting to speak―that writing can be a part of your life experience the way it is part of mine.