From Whence to Where: Understanding Memory-Emotion-Concepts, The Creation of Learning, Knowledge and Programming in the Brain.
It has taken 20 years to write this book. It is a book about thinking, deciding, acting and creating. It explains how we learn, store knowledge, and revise our knowledge throughout life.
It is a new theory of brain and cell functions. This page is for reference to the technical terms.
Neuropeptides are "molecules of short chains of amino acids (such as endorphins, enkephalines and vasopressins) found in brain and nerve tissue synapses." They include enzymes, endocrines, hormones, antibodies, anti-rejection drugs, narcotics, antibiotics, atomic radiation, or any molecular configurations that perform like emotions.
Neuropeptide emotions provide the impetus for brain and body cell functions and are defined as "physiological departures from homeostasis that are subjectively experienced in strong feelings (love, hate, desire, fear, hunger, thirst, fatigue, etc.) and manifest themselves in neuromuscular, respiratory, cardiovascular, hormonal and other bodily changes preparatory to overt acts, which may or may not be performed."
These emotions are stored as Memory-Emotion-Concepts, called MECs for short.
MECs have unique properties: They can be recalled, modified and restored as long as one lives. This is the heart of the new theory of brain and cell functions.