I Remember Paul "Bear" Bryant: Personal Memoires of College Football's Most Legendary Coach, as Told by the People Who Knew Him Best
On July 17, 1981, Coach Bryant sat in his office at Memorial Coliseum reminiscing with sports columnist Al Browning of the Tuscaloosa News. Contemplating the twilight of his career, he calmly said, "They'll forget me as soon as I croak and am buried". When Browning objected, Coach smiled slightly and said, "No, that's the way it is. Life moves on, and people find interest in other things".
While Bryant's memory may have faded slightly, he certainly has not been forgotten, and I Remember Paul "Bear" Bryant is a glowing testimony to the love that those who knew him best continue to have for him to this day. Here dozens of his contemporaries, former players, childhood friends, family, competitors, opponents, and his "boys" offer in their own words their favorite memories of this man they loved so much. They recall ordinary moments as well as extraordinary ones; they recall moments of joyful victory and bitter defeat; they recall memories of the gridiron discipline he dished out and the thoughtful, helpful guidance he offered to his players, even long after they had graduated and gone on to their own careers.