Randall Knives: Rare, Unique, & Experimental
This is the third book in a collector’s series on Randall Made Knives, by Robert Hunt. These publications reflect the author’s interest in the historical role that knives have played and he has documented their use during the wars of the 20th Century. The theme of this work is the identification with the continuous design innovation of Randall knives, cataloged here in part by the appearance of images that often reflect the step by step enhancement of prototypical experimental knives. This volume introduces the rare, unique and experimental knives of W.D. Randall, many either made or designed by him.
The initial section explores knives from the Randall Museum, where over 50 images reflect the commitment to design innovation, which was and is still today, a hallmark of Randall Made Knives. Although not commonly seen, even though displayed in open cases at the Randall Museum in Orlando, this publication presents many of those unique types in a singular setting out of the case, where they can be viewed and appreciated for their various styles and relevant significance.
The second section contains knives from a private collection, which was uncovered by the author. The preservation of this collection, and in its original state, shows the care and interest taken in their ownership over the intervening 40 years. The period of their design and production, the mid-1960s, was a time of experimentation with survival types, full-tang designs and more, which are both reflected and represented in this volume. Interestingly enough, the knives in this grouping have roots in some of the “museum” examples and various designs can be found in Randall early “experiments” displayed in the museum cases.
Following these examples are an assortment of other rare and unusual knives, collected, compiled and exhibited in interesting arrangements, representing those knives that can’t lay claim to The Museum or notable private collections but reside in the knife drawers of Randall collectors of varied interests and persuasions, while carrying many of the unique design features of the former depictions.