Trauma in the Lives of Children: Crisis and Stress Management Techniques for Counselors, Teachers, and Other Professionals (2nd Edition)
All-New Edition of the Ground-Breaking Book on the Effects of Trauma on Children
Children are traumatized every day by personal life crises and events around them. Parental separation, violence or abuse in the home, the death of a loved one, seeing a shooting at school or on the news — all of these, if not properly handled, can affect a child’s development, health, school performance, family interactions and self-esteem. Trauma in the Lives of Children uses up-to-date research and practical examples to explain how children react to specific types of trauma. It shows what schools, therapists, EMTs and families can do — and must do — to help traumatized children regain a sense of security and hope.
An Interdisciplinary, Solution-Based Approach That Bridges the Gap between Clinic and School
This revised and expanded edition covers many changes in the field that have taken place in the last few years, including:
- the DSM-IV’s new category for posttraumatic stress
- “false memory syndrome” and the recent advances in psychoneurology
- widespread acceptance of EMDR as a posttrauma treatment modality
- new understanding of and approaches to professional self-care
- the nationwide movement toward School Crisis Response Teams
- the latest techniques of trauma prevention that can help schools and families prepare for crises